FYI from BATR <$BlogRSDUrl$>



Text of satellite interview with Farid Ayyar, official spokesman of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, in Baghdad, by Iman Sadiq, broadcast live by Iraqi Al-Sharqiyah TV on 30 January.

Text of German Lawsuit: Against Rumsfeld and Tenet


Panic Now . . . Avoid the Rush by Mogambo Guru

The superhuman efforts of the Fed, Treasury, the IMF, the World Bank et al to debase the dollar by printing up so damn much of it and spread it around internationally amongst their friends (and siphon off a big share for themselves, too) has paid off in the looming ruination of the dollar.

Why I Am Obsessed With War by Harry Browne

If [Bush] didn’t know that his plan to "liberate" people who hadn’t asked to be liberated, to bring democracy to people who hadn’t asked for democracy, would lead to the deaths of thousands of people, he is not only incompetent and unfit to hold office, he is surely psychopathic and needs to be incarcerated.



A Resolution has been sponsored in the Utah State Senate Discouraging Participation in The Free Trade Area of The Americas (FTAA). This bill has over 50 per cent of the Utah State Senate as sponsors or co-sponsors. It seems that this bill has a pretty good chance of passing in the Senate.

The FTAA is not about trade it is about Freedom. It is a step towards the formation of a European style union for North and South America. For more information, click on the following link.

You may recall that as a precursor to the European Union the countries of Europe entered into numerous trade agreements. These in turn led to many individual losses of sovereignty for these countries. The same program is being worked here in the western hemisphere. We know what's going to happen. Now is the time to stop it.

Please take the following actions:
1. Sign the online petition to stop the FTAA

2. If you live in Utah congratulate the Senatorial co-sponsors of this bill and urge your representative to sponsor or co-sponsor it in the House.

3. If you live outside of Utah urge your State Legislators to sponsor a similar resolution. (I do not have the text of the Resolution at this time but I hope to have it by the beginning of next week.)

There is a need for many State Legislatures to pass a similar resolution Discouraging Participation in the FTAA. If an obscure small state such as Utah can do the work necessary to get this resolution sponsored the larger states should be able to follow their sterling example.

For a copy of the book America's Engineered Decline by Will Grigg which details the threat to our sovereignty that these trade agreements pose click on the following link.

A list of the Utah Senate Sponsors and Co-sponsors is at the end of this message.

For Freedom,

Will Christensen
National Vice Chair
Independent American Party

Be a pipeline not a bucket - Please pass this along

Here are those Utah State Senators who are co-sponsors:
Ron Allen
D. Chris Buttars
Allen M. Christensen
Gene Davis
Mike Dmitrich
Dan R. Eastman
Beverly Ann Evans
Fred J. Fife
Karen Hale
Thomas V. Hatch
Parley G. Hellewell
John W. "Bill" Hickman
Paula Julander
Peter C. Knudson
Mark B. Madsen
Ed Mayne

Here's an address to write them a thank you or to write your State Reps to urge sponsorship:

Utah State Senate
319 State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0111
Fax (801) 538-1878

Utah House of Representatives
318 State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0116
Fax: (801) 538-1908


We've Been Taken Over By a Cult by SEYMOUR HERSH

About what's going on in terms of the President is that as virtuous as I feel, you know, at The New Yorker, writing an alternative history more or less of what's been going on in the last three years, George Bush feels just as virtuous in what he is doing. He is absolutely committed -- I don't know whether he thinks he's doing God's will or what his father didn't do, or whether it's some mandate from -- you know, I just don't know, but George Bush thinks this is the right thing.


Sober Thoughts On An Inauguration by David Alan Black

My attitude toward civil government is grounded on what the apostle Paul teaches about the depravity of man. This teaching allows us to see through the fallacies contained in such statements that, if only all men would live up to the ideals of the Sermon on the Mount, the kingdom of God would be realized on earth. The Christian Gospel is not to be found in the Sermon on the Mount but rather in Paul’s proclamation of justification by faith and by grace. Man is basically incapable of saving himself, and that is why it is such “Good News” that God sent His Son into the world to save the world.

An Interview with Concientious Objector Aidan Delgado - SCOTT FLEMING

The following interview with Spc. Aidan Delgado, a conscientious objector who spent six months of a one-year tour of Iraq at Abu Ghraib prison, appears in the Spring 2005 issue of LiP Magazine.

An Anatomy of American Nationalism by Anatol Lieven - Reviewed by Gerald Rellick

Although a serious work of scholarship richly supported with over 800 references, the book is very readable. It is highly recommended to anyone trying to make sense of the American psyche and its current mood. Readers will find the book particularly valuable in providing insight into how America’s sense of nationalism plays into the Bush neocon ideology and the administration’s continually muddled efforts to form a workable foreign policy in the wake of 9/11.


From Paris to Phuket by Taki

If one reads history, one knows that those Christians who did the most for the present world were those who thought most of the next—the Apostles, the English evangelicals who abolished the slave trade, even the men who split the atom. Nonbelievers who repudiate the idea of God corrode our culture and detach us from a profound understanding of life and its meaning.


America and Its War with the Invisible Kingdom of Satan by Norman Mailer

The US wants world domination, but its people are heedless pleasure seekers. What’s needed is a morality tale to scare them in the shopping malls. 9/11 came just in time.


from the PaleoLibertarian camp
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Todd Brendan Fahey began his political involvement in 1985, as a sophomore at Arizona State University, when he founded "Students for the John Birch Society at ASU." The event gained him immediate national media attention--though often not favorably.

He went on to serve as an Intelligence asset while at University of London - Union College to the late Lt. General Daniel O. Graham (former Defense Intelligence Agency chief and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and architect of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative). Throughout the years, Fahey has served as aide to U.S. Congressmen, American Governors and military Generals.

A rare-breed of "right-winger," Fahey is also unapologetically opposed to the "War On [some] Drugs." An avid experimenter of LSD, Fahey has written dozens of articles concerning the value of "the visionary experience" (as author Aldous Huxley termed it). This disparity has caused a rift between standard-brand Republicans and Fahey's Right/libertarian ideology.

Fahey is author of Wisdom's Maw (Far Gone Books, 1996), a controversial novel which "factionalizes" the CIA's MK-Ultra LSD/psychedelics experiments on U.S. military and domestic citizenry during the 1950s-early 1970s.

He is currently a Professor of English and "strategic writer" in South Korea.

Iran: The Next Strategic Target by Amy Goodman

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh burst open the secret neocon plans aimed at Iran. In an interview, Hersh explains how Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are keeping America in the dark about their war games.


Was the president's speech a case of "mission inebriation"? by PEGGY NOONAN

The inaugural address itself was startling. It left me with a bad feeling, and reluctant dislike. Rhetorically, it veered from high-class boilerplate to strong and simple sentences, but it was not pedestrian. George W. Bush's second inaugural will no doubt prove historic because it carried a punch, asserting an agenda so sweeping that an observer quipped that by the end he would not have been surprised if the president had announced we were going to colonize Mars.

Illuminati Devil Hand Signals Prevalent Throughout Inauguration

We have noticed in the past that the mainstream media would just carry these photos without attempting to whitewash what we were seeing. Bush and his entire family flashed so many of these hand signs today that they had to mention it.


A nation of religious illiterates by Stephen Prothero

The sociologist Peter Berger once remarked that if India is the most religious country in the world and Sweden the least, then the United States is a nation of Indians ruled by Swedes. Not anymore. With a born-again Christian in the Oval Office and a faith-based party in control of both houses of Congress, the US is undeniably a nation of believers ruled by the same.


Anticipation and the new world order a scenario approach - 1st Part by Simon Parais

In this paper, with the use of a vertical scanario planning (two variables: managed international environment and fractious international relations) , I am trying to project the political, economical and social state of the transatlantic relations between the Unites States and the European Union in the year 2020. Scenarios are by all means imaginativ, but there are some existing trends and facts from which we can try to project the major changes in the future."


Important Quotations

Compiled By Jolly Roger Internet Columnist, Freedom Fighter & American Patriot


Updated list of scientists dead in suspicious circumstances since autumn 2001


Eulogy for Ivan Gayle Shuman

by Todd Brendan Fahey
January 15, 2005

I have many regrets in life--a list as endless as are the moments that I spend on this Earth. A born wild-child, I've seen a few very bright highlights and lot of blackness. The entirety of my 20s was spent in a daily blur of alcohol, and I no doubt disappointed many and squandered opportunities for to serve some great men and to build a different life for myself than that which I lead presently.

One of the few men who I did not disappoint was a man who didn't expect much from me in the first place. I would arrive at 7:00am to "Procedural Criminal Justice" at Arizona State University, having woken at 5:30am to guzzle the six-pack that I needed to ingest to convince my psyche that I was not really hungover at all: it is still the night before, and I'm having a ripping good time. Somewhere around the 25th-minute of class, and always in the front row, I'd nod off and manage to collect myself when the rest of the students began filing out of the classroom. Such was the pattern as a Criminal Justice major at ASU and as an alcoholic. Mornings were the most savage, as I'm not naturally an early riser--compounded by my love of drink.

Maybe the end of the second week of class, Dr. Ivan Gayle Shuman--a decorated former FBI agent and the founder of the School of Criminal Justice at Arizona State University, with the build of a grizzly bear--in whose class I was perpetually zonked, politely asked me to move to the back of the room if I wanted to continue my night's slumber. He said it with a smile, but it was something in his eyes and wizened grin--probably it was the muscles in his jaw tightening as he gave me the advice--that made me change my morning habits. Unfortunately, the night-time refrain remained the same.

I stayed in the front row, and would arrive for better or worse (almost always for the worse) to watch Gayle Shuman stride to the podium each morning, with the usual question: "What's news in the news?"...

[complete article here]


Exposing the lies of our times: An interview with Mickey Z. by Mark Hand

Mickey Z., the New York City author, essayist and poet, chronicles America's thirst for war in many of his works. His most recent book on the topic, 'The Seven Deadly Spins: Exposing the Lies Behind War Propaganda,' takes the reader on a journey through U.S. war propaganda from the Spanish-American War to the current Bush administration's adventures in Iraq.

The Century of the Believers by William S. Lind

"The death of the Modern Age actually comes with World War I; in 1914, the West, which created modernity, put a gun to its head and blew its brains out. The 90 years since have merely been the thrashing of a corpse. The rise of Fourth Generation war, and its triumph over state armed forces in Iraq and elsewhere, marks the real beginning of the new century, a century that will be defined and dominated not by the West's ghost, nor by the Brave New World that is that ghost's final, Hellish spawn, but by people who believe."


Touring the Al Gore Presidential Library and Museum by Leonard Albin

The Al Gore Presidential Library and Museum, located near N. Federal Highway in Boca Raton, Florida, is open daily (except holidays) from 5 to 4, in observance of the Supreme Court decision that gave George W. Bush the presidency.



Because it is the Christian thing to do—not the Christianity of Falwell or Robertson and the feel-good, us—against-them Rapture-guys, but the Christianity-of-Jesus thing to do. The Christianity of Mother Theresa and St. Francis … It is also the Jewish thing to do. Not the Judaism of Sharon or Dershowitz, but that of Solomon the Wise and Maimonides. And it is the Islamic thing to do. And, above all, it is the human thing to do.


Michael Newdow vs. America by Hans Zeiger

An atheist, whose god is himself, has no right to replace the principles of our national founding – that our rights come from God and our laws are subordinate to "the laws of nature and of nature's God" – with his own religious principles.


The Truth about Terrorism by Jonathan Raban

The Truth about Terrorism - News From Babylon: "By Jonathan Raban"

Strategic Failures: the 'Road Not Taken' unto North Korea

by Todd Brendan Fahey
January 9, 2005

The most obvious/beneficial thing to do--and the thing that has not been done, tellingly, on the parts of either the U.S. or of the Republic of Korea--is to gain incredibly-detailed dossiers on each/every North Korean defector, and then to:

a) utilize such information both in terms of training S. Korea/USKF military on the whereabouts of detainment and military installations, and

b) to broadcast the information, with defectors who desire to "go public" toward their own horrors stories while in the hands of their captors (North Korea).

An all-out information campaign, revealing every ugly wart--directly from the mouths and experiences of North Korean defectors--and broadcast all-out via international and South Korean news outlets.

This would simultaneously help to disseminate information as to the locations of the gulags (and would assist USFK and potentially European militaries in a rescue effort and the expunging or capture/interrogation of DPRK military forces stationed at these "detainment camps"); all-the-while focusing the international media spotlight on the brutal, nonsensical Kim regime.

Oh: That and a sum-total embargo (no money or materials of any kind) toward North Korea by the U.S. and Japan and any other nation of which the U.S. is a heavy trading partner, and extreme economic sanctions/tarrifs upon South Korea by the U.S., should South Korea not react likewise.

I disagree with nearly every word that Mr. Lankov wrote in his International Herald Tribune piece.

The clamp needs to begin to tighten quickly and "progressively" upon the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Tyrants should not be coddled. Such would only serve as precedent and encouragement for a new era of the Beast.


Fahey has served as aide to Central Intelligence Agency agent Theodore L. "Ted" Humes, Division of Slavic Languages, and to the late-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief Lt. General Daniel O. Graham; to then-Arizona Governor Evan Mecham (R-AZ), former Congressman John Conlan (R-AZ) and others. He is currently stationed in South Korea as a strategic writer.


Reservists may face longer tours of duty

Army leaders also consider allowing for more frequent call-ups

WASHINGTON - Army leaders are considering seeking a change in Pentagon policy that would allow for longer and more frequent call-ups of some reservists to meet the demands of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, a senior Army official said yesterday.

Reservists are being used heavily to fill key military support jobs, particularly in specialty areas, but Army authorities are having increasing difficulty limiting the active-duty time of some normally part-time soldiers to a set maximum of two years, the official said. He described the National Guard's 15 main combat units as close to being "tapped out." (more...)

Lou Dobbs Show On Immigration

The guidebook produced by the Mexican government is filled with tips for illegal aliens to enter this country safely and, of course, illegally.

Now some say the book could stall White House plans for its proposed guest worker program and accelerate immigration reform. Casey Wian reports from Los Angeles.

East meets West: Confucious, Plato and the modern state by yvgrvny

In todays world there is an increasing problem with any attempts to continue the tradition of the 'noble ruler' (or its more advanced offshoot in the form of the modern technocratic nation-state). Paradoxically, the centralisation of power inherent in these forms of government possibly holds the seeds of their own destruction. The massive bureaucracy and military machine needed to maintain these systems of government becomes in itself a problem as it attempts to regulate behaviour - the 'hidden' state, propaganda, psyops, diversions, lies and coercion will all need to be cleverly implemented in order to maintain unity in their new 'democracies'.


Lost in the Meritocracy by Walter Kirn

"How I traded an education for a ticket to the ruling class "

Out Old Year by Fred Gardner

Strutting, Smirking, as if the Mad Plan Was Working

Monopoly Men

Americans will be shocked to discover that the principle business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed. Hosted by Dean Stockwell.


Robert Fisk Looks Back at 2004: The Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities

In a year-in-review article by veteran Middle east correspondent Robert Fisk in the Independent of London, Fisk begins his piece with a question:
Who said this and when?



“The Jungian analysis by Paul Levy, of Bush and the culture which maintains him, reaches deep into the American psyche. It should be studied and digested by everyone. If the citizenry would recognize that Bush's egomania is acting out a national illness, we would all be saner. If the US could integrate the "shadow" which Bush projects upon "the axis of evil," perhaps we could achieve world peace and start to solve global problem. A MUST READ.”

Optional Reading by Edgar J. Steele

While we have discussed America's burgeoning twin deficits, both fiscal and trade, I haven't really stressed the importance of the bothersome Russian and China moves to cement relations with countries that have provided America's energy needs shortfall up to now, such as Canada and Venezuela. Can you say "$5-per-gallon gas," boys and girls?

Overblown Threats by Gordon Prather

"Now that President Bush has been reelected and Franks-Bremer-Tenet awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Washington Post has apparently decided to spill the beans about the true 'weapons of mass destruction' threat. "


Debunking The Out Of Africa Origin Of HIV And AIDS The Greatest Conspiracy Story Ever Told by Alan Cantwell, M.D.

Is there a scientific conspiracy to get scientists off the hook by blaming monkeys in the bush, and gays and Africans, for the millions of death brought about by the "introduction" of HIV into the world population? Of course there is. That's why it's The Greatest Conspiracy Story Ever Told.


We The People Foundation Lawsuit

For decades, the government has held that it has no obligation to respond to grievances under the “sovereign immunity” doctrine and that it must consent to being sued when people exercise their constitutional right to petition for a redress of grievances. Now, a pre-trial response to a lawsuit filed by the We the People Foundation, a political watchdog organization, could strike a major blow to the government’s position and lead to a landmark Supreme Court case. Download a copy of the motion exclusively from American Free Press. For more on this, see the story here (


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