FYI from BATR <$BlogRSDUrl$>



A Resolution has been sponsored in the Utah State Senate Discouraging Participation in The Free Trade Area of The Americas (FTAA). This bill has over 50 per cent of the Utah State Senate as sponsors or co-sponsors. It seems that this bill has a pretty good chance of passing in the Senate.

The FTAA is not about trade it is about Freedom. It is a step towards the formation of a European style union for North and South America. For more information, click on the following link.

You may recall that as a precursor to the European Union the countries of Europe entered into numerous trade agreements. These in turn led to many individual losses of sovereignty for these countries. The same program is being worked here in the western hemisphere. We know what's going to happen. Now is the time to stop it.

Please take the following actions:
1. Sign the online petition to stop the FTAA

2. If you live in Utah congratulate the Senatorial co-sponsors of this bill and urge your representative to sponsor or co-sponsor it in the House.

3. If you live outside of Utah urge your State Legislators to sponsor a similar resolution. (I do not have the text of the Resolution at this time but I hope to have it by the beginning of next week.)

There is a need for many State Legislatures to pass a similar resolution Discouraging Participation in the FTAA. If an obscure small state such as Utah can do the work necessary to get this resolution sponsored the larger states should be able to follow their sterling example.

For a copy of the book America's Engineered Decline by Will Grigg which details the threat to our sovereignty that these trade agreements pose click on the following link.

A list of the Utah Senate Sponsors and Co-sponsors is at the end of this message.

For Freedom,

Will Christensen
National Vice Chair
Independent American Party

Be a pipeline not a bucket - Please pass this along

Here are those Utah State Senators who are co-sponsors:
Ron Allen
D. Chris Buttars
Allen M. Christensen
Gene Davis
Mike Dmitrich
Dan R. Eastman
Beverly Ann Evans
Fred J. Fife
Karen Hale
Thomas V. Hatch
Parley G. Hellewell
John W. "Bill" Hickman
Paula Julander
Peter C. Knudson
Mark B. Madsen
Ed Mayne

Here's an address to write them a thank you or to write your State Reps to urge sponsorship:

Utah State Senate
319 State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0111
Fax (801) 538-1878

Utah House of Representatives
318 State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0116
Fax: (801) 538-1908


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