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Libertarianism and the Old Right by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

In February 1999, for research he was doing on postwar libertarianism, Brian Doherty interviewed Lew Rockwell. The interview was published in the May 12, 1999, issue of

'Politically Incorrect' History Has Neocons Steamed by Justin Raimondo

Thomas E. Woods Jr.'s Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, recently put out by Regnery, the venerable conservative publisher, has caused a storm of controversy, the outlines of which define the parameters of the politically permissible. In today's constricted political "debate" – especially when it comes to foreign policy – only two flavors are allowed: right-wing neocon and left-wing neocon. A "right-wing" writer who opposes foreign interventionism, condemns World War I as the senseless slaughter it indubitably was, and shows how FDR (and the Brits) dragged us into a second world war is bound to come under attack from the battalions of the neoconized Right as well as the Left, and the frenzied response to the Woods volume has not disappointed.


Future Tense: The Coming World Order - Reviewed by Jim Miles

In short the neocons have their eternal war with their new agenda, and control of a vital piece of mid-east real estate to help them fight it. Ultimately Dyer says, “Either we get back to building the international institutions [UN et al] we started working on sixty years ago, or we get used to the idea that we are working our way up to the Third World War.”


Interview with Bob Barr

When he was a congressman, Bob Barr was a little schizophrenic when it came to protecting liberty. He was a steadfast defender of property rights and privacy, for example, but was dreadful when it came to the drug war. He once suggested, for example, that the federal government use RICO statutes to prosecute advocates of decriminalization. That would include entities such as NORML, the Drug Policy Alliance, and, well, me.

How 'amiable dunce' Reagan saved the world - David Kupelian

I'm having a hard time finding the words to convey just how magnificent a film "In the Face of Evil" really is.

There's a spiritual quality to this new movie documentary – which chronicles Ronald Reagan's 40-year struggle and ultimate triumph against communism – that defies description.

The Anti-Revisionist Establishment by Anthony Gregory

How interesting it is that the mainstream left and neoconservative right are equally appalled by Tom Woods' book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. But it makes sense. Unlike many libertarians, I never really thought of the conventional history taught in schools as uniformly "leftist," but rather as simply pro-establishment. Statist liberals and conservatives both have a stake in preserving the historical interpretation that upholds Lincoln, Wilson and FDR as the great heroes in the sweep of American history.


Collapse of the American Empire by KIRKPATRICK SALE

It is quite ironic: only a decade or so after the idea of the United States as an imperial power came to be accepted by both right and left, and people were actually able to talk openly about an American empire, it is showing multiple signs of its inability to continue. And indeed it is now possible to contemplate, and openly speculate about, its collapse.

The Maestro Changes His Tune by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

It’s not enough to question the wisdom of Mr. Greenspan. Americans should question why we have a central bank at all, and whose interests it serves. The laws of supply and demand work better than any central banker to determine both the correct supply of money in the economy and the interest rate at which capital is available – without the political favoritism and secrecy that characterize central banks.


Blogs or Blotto? by Butler Shaffer

The foregoing quotations are to be found in a delightful book, The Experts Speak, by Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky. Described as a "compendium of authoritative misinformation," it illustrates how even highly respected authorities in their fields of endeavor can get tripped up and embarrassed by the unpredictabilities inherent in a complex world.


9/11 is an Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist World Order:



9/11 is an Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist World Order

911: the Broad Picture by Michel Chossudovsky


(KPFA San Francisco Guns and Butter)


Democracy for All by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

I was not surprised to see that Michael Novak, the well-known neoconservative author, had written a book called The Universal Hunger for Liberty. I was surprised to see the subtitle —Why the Clash of Civilizations Is Not Inevitable. Although strongly opposed to the foreign-policy positions Novak has advocated, I can appreciate much of what he is attempting to do here. Intentionally or not, Novak has written a book that tempers the extremism of the likes of Daniel Pipes on the most belligerent end of the neoconservative spectrum, whose vision of the future involves ceaseless war and the very clash of civilizations that Novak’s new book insists is avoidable.

Tabloid Truths by Bill Bonner

People expect to retire on the equity locked up in their houses. But at any minute, a single word from Japanese or Chinese central bankers would whoosh across America like a tornado, knocking down real estate prices from Santa Monica to South Beach. And Social Security? A forensic accountant could pore over the books for 1,000 years and never find a trace of the cash supposed stashed away for Americans' retirement. It doesn't exist!


Bin Laden's Indispensable Ally an interview with Michael Scheuer

Michael Scheuer, author of Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror, discusses precisely that topic with Scott Horton. Interview conducted Feb. 12, 2005. Check out Scott's other interviews with prominent antiwar and libertarian personalities


Farmed Robbery by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

A principle of public choice economics is that politicians will always do all they can to disguise subsidies to less-than-meritorious groups, such as millionaire farmers. If they can subsidize them through protectionism, or price supports, this is much preferred than simply writing the millionaire businessmen a check.

'We Are a Peaceful People' by Stephen Bender

- # of times Panama invaded the United States: 0

- # of times the United States invaded Panama: 6 (1895, 1901, 1908, 1912, 1925, 1989)

- # of times the United States sent troops occupy Beirut: 2 (1958, 1983)

- # of times Lebanon sent troops to occupy Washington: 0

- # of South East Asians annihilated in their own lands by the United States: 3,000,000

- # of Americans annihilated in their own country by South East Asians: 0

. . . more

Greenspan’s Whopper by Bill Bonner

The crime of which Mr. Greenspan is guilty is fraud. Putting interest rates at an artificially low level, the Fed chairman intentionally misled Americans. Were it not for the Fed’s low rates and easy lending policies, Americans wouldn’t have thought themselves so rich.

Meet the Press Transcript for Feb. 13 - Natan Sharansky and Patrick Buchanan

MR. BUCHANAN: ...and you say democracies are peaceful. Israel has fought five major wars since it was established. In three of them, 1956, 1967 and 1982, Israel launched pre-emptive strikes. It has been one of the most warlike countries in the Middle East. You have the king of Morocco, king of Jordan, king of Saudi Arabia and Ariel Sharon. Which of those four has been more warlike?


Ellsberg & Zinn Speech

Daniel Ellsberg, best known for his release of the Pentagon Papers which helped bring an end to the Vietnam war, along with professor, historian and life long activist Howard Zinn, address the Veterans For Peace National Convention in Boston, July 23, 2004. They provide their unique perspectives on the war in Iraq, the Bush administration, and the November elections.

'Gannon' Interview: No Plame Subpoena, No Tie to White House, He Says by Joe Strupp

In a lengthy, wide-ranging interview with E&P today, former White House reporter Jeff Gannon, whose real name is James D. Guckert, revealed that, contrary to many media reports, he has not been subpoenaed in the Valerie Plame/CIA case.

The Harsh Truth About Government Schools by Steven Yates

Bruce Shortt has written what may be this decade’s definitive critique of the government-sponsored school system in this country. Shortt is a member of the South Carolina-based Exodus Mandate network. Along with T.C. Pinckney (who penned the forward) he was one of the co-sponsors of the recent resolution put before the Southern Baptist Convention to remove Christian children from government schools. The resolution was not adopted, but drew nationwide attention to the issue of our rapidly deteriorating government schools. Shortt’s book is aimed primarily at Christian parents, but can be read and appreciated by non-Christians.


Churchill remains defiant, defends views

University of Colorado Prof. Ward Churchill addressed a packed auditorium Tuesday evening, expounding on his views about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and taking some questions from the audience.


The Myth of the Neutral Interest Rate Policy by Frank Shostak

In fact, it is safe to suggest that the current framework of central bank operations throughout the world is based to a large degree on Wicksellian writings. Now, if what we are suggesting is correct obviously then the key to understanding the rationale of central banks actions is the writings of Knut Wicksell.


Former Congressman Findley Nails Pro-Israel (AIPAC) Lobby

Book excerpts from a courageous United States Congressman, Paul Findley, who served from 1960-1982.

Neocons & Iran: Here They Go Again an interview with Gordon Prather columnist Dr. Gordon Prather gives Scott Horton the inside scoop about Iran's "nuclear program" and the neocons who are trying to start another war. Interview conducted Feb. 5, 2005.


Exporting America: An Interview With Lou Dobbs

When American manufacturing jobs headed overseas in the 1990s, supporters of tariff-free trade argued that newly unemployed workers could simply find jobs in the growing high-tech sector. Yet multinational corporations soon outsourced white-collar and service-industry jobs as well, with overseas labor fielding support questions from computer users, programming software, and even examining X-rays and MRI scans for American consumers.


Author Now Suspects 'Deep Throat' Was - Drumroll, Please - George H.W. Bush

The author of the 1993 biography of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, “Deep Truth,” today named George H.W. Bush the new chief suspect as famed Watergate source Deep Throat.

Post-Apartheid in Black and White by Carol Iannone

We can see Disgrace as offering guilty white readers the opportunity to indulge in self-hatred and to savor the pleasure of contemplating the abasement of Western man and woman, while imagining a spiritual reward for doing so. (In his own life, as we have noted, Coetzee has foregone this bracing humiliation and has sought safety in the “cosmetic morality”—not to mention the physical safety and comfort—of the West.) But in order for Western man to luxuriate in this strangely titillating, if as yet only theoretical, picture of his own undoing, he also has to agree to accept the portrayal of South African blacks as incapable of living according to the rule of law and the demands of civilization. Accepting that portrayal is something for which the West should feel guilty, and there is the real disgrace. It turns out that denigrating “Western” morality ultimately means denigrating everybody.


The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism

Paper delivered by G. J. Neuberger a member of Neturei Karta at the Tripoli Conference on Zionism and Racism.


Legal experts say that the memo, along with Chertoff’s recommendations, violates specific international conventions and the anti-torture statute passed by Congress in 1994, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113(c), Sec. 2340(a) and 2340(b) which provides for 20 years in prison or even death for torture.


One of Saddam's Men Speaks Out on the Elections

Iraq elections, democratic practice but ... by Ahmed Janabi

When Baghdad was occupied on 9 April 2003, the last Iraqi ambassador of Saddam Hussein`s government to the UN, Muhammad al-Duri, declared that the game was over.

A journalist, university professor and statesman who served as an Iraqi delegate to the UN from 1999 to 2003, he left Iraq in 1999 to act as Iraq`s ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland before he was moved to New York where he remained until he resigned after the occupation of Iraq.


Alex Jones Interviews Jude Wanniski

Jude Wanniski, founder and chairman of Polyconomics, Inc., is a world-renowned political economist, former Associate Editor of The Wall Street Journal – 1972 to 1978. He was an advisor to Ronald Reagan from 1978 to 1981, and has counseled Democrats as well as Republicans in the years since, pro bono, and has developed pro-growth strategies for several governments.

ENEMIES WITHIN - How the United Nations supports terrorists and fuels global chaos

Titled "ENEMIES WITHIN: How the United Nations supports terrorists and fuels global chaos," January's Whistleblower documents how and why the global organization, created decades ago to prevent future wars, has morphed into the corrupt, incompetent, power-hungry, terror-supporting body it is today.


President Bush: State of the Union Address

The full text of President Bush's State of the Union address on Feb. 02, 2005, as prepared for delivery.


Misreading the Middle East an interview with Juan Cole

Juan Cole discusses the Iraq election, U.S. foreign policy, and American misconceptions about the Middle East in this C-Span interview recorded Jan. 27, 2005. (40 minutes: click here, then click on the top Juan Cole link)

IT'S A GO! If only Sy Hersh knew the half of it by Matt Taibbi

Under Rumsfeld's new approach, I was told, U.S. military operatives would be permitted to pose abroad as corrupt foreign businessmen seeking to buy contraband items that could be used in nuclear-weapons systems. In some cases, according to the Pentagon advisers, local citizens could be recruited and asked to join up with guerrillas or terrorists.


Ward Churchill's Essay and Statement

Below you will find Ward Churchill's statement regarding the new media highlight of his 2001 essay. The statement is followed by his essay from 2001 with his own notes at the end.


'All Praises Due to Satan, The Ruler of the World' - The following is adapted from a presentation to a LaRouche Youth Movement cadre school in Seattle, Washington, on Dec. 4, 2004.

The Legacy of George W. Bush

Slideshow with audio of BushCo lies (5mb wmv) combined with Photos of Iraq- ie the consequences of the lies. Look at all of the carnage and destruction caused by these blatant lies. (Some graphic photos, but not too gory, just heart wrenching)

Conversation with Professor Paul A. Cantor

An interview with Paul Cantor, author of Gilligan Unbound. His diverse research interests have manifested themselves once again with the publication of his latest book, Gilligan Unbound: Pop Culture in the Age of Globalization, in which he turns his academic eye to four popular American television shows: Gilligan’s Island, Star Trek, The Simpsons, and The X-Files.


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