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Transcript and Audio of Scott Ritter on war with Iraq and Iran - Amherst - November 17, 2005

On November 17, 2005 in Amherst, MA, 110 heard Scott Ritter speak on war with Iraq and Iran at this Traprock sponsored event.

All About Barbara by Marian Kester Coombs

Time was when conservatives would dismiss out of hand another exposé by a leftist would-be rabble-rouser like Barbara Ehrenreich. But these being times of violent political realignment when Left and Right appear to merge, converge, and otherwise shape-shift all over the landscape, one approaches with an open mind any likely attempt to make sense of what ails us.


The red and the blue converge - ROGER MORRIS

It is a central point of the book, in fact, that the two warring, apparently irreconcilable sides have much more in common in interest and commitment to the civic life and process of the writhing U.S. democracy than an entirely separate, in many ways antagonistic national majority of hedonist, consumerist, politically disillusioned and/or disengaged white Americans who are the ultimate source of the country's divisions and its political and policy dysfunction.


Warmongering Is the Health of Statism by Anthony Gregory

This talk was delivered at the Burton S. Blumert Conference on Gold, Freedom, and Peace.

As Murray Rothbard explained in "The Anatomy of the State," the state cannot persist and expand through force alone; it needs the tacit consent of the people.


Colin Powell's Former Chief of Staff Col. Wilkerson on Prewar Intel, Murder and Torture

In the interview, Wilkerson discusses what he calls a "White House cabal", led by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld; pre-war intelligence and Powell's February 2003 speech before the United Nations; the "memory lapse" by Gen. Peter Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and much more.

"American auto industry is going bankruptcy"

Recently Yong Tang, People's Daily Online Washington-based staff writer, has conducted an exclusive interview with LaRouche at his home in Virginia.

Outflanking the Nation-State by Will Banyan

The Origins of the "functional approach" to the New World Order

Readers of populist accounts of the New World Order would be more familiar with Richard N. Gardner's formulation of functionalism presented in his article "The Hard Road to World Order" published in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) journal, Foreign Affairs in 1974. In his contribution to the "quest for a world structure that secures peace, advances human rights and provides conditions for economic progress."


Bush Discusses Murtha and Says Progress in Iraq is 'Amazing'

At a press conference with reporters along for his trip to China, President Bush found several questions relating to the current debate back in the States over the Iraq pullout plan pushed by Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.).

Sen. Cornyn: Dems Haven't Ruled Out Alito Filibuster

Below is the first of two parts of the interview. Today we cover the Alito nomination, including the possibility of a filibuster, Alito’s take on religious freedom and his similarities to Chief Justice John Roberts. Check back tomorrow for Cornyn’s perspective on immigration reform, including his view on the President’s newfound emphasis on securing the border.


Rep. John Murtha: War in Iraq Not Going as Advertised

The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public is way ahead of us. The United States and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq, but it is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering. The future of our country is at risk. We can not continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interest of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf Region.

Confusions of a Conservative by David Gordon

This review of Garry Wills’s Confessions of a Conservative was first published in Inquiry for September 10, 1979.

Who else but Garry Wills would include in the same book a penetrating analysis of Saint Augustine’s view of justice and a tasteless defamation of Albert Jay Nock? Lack of discrimination and confusion of thought are the only constants in this meandering attempt to elaborate an allegedly conservative political philosophy that will justify the author’s idiosyncrasies.


Text of Remarks By Vice President Dick Cheney

As most of you know, I have spent a lot of years in public service, and first came to work in Washington, D.C. back in the late 1960s. I know what it's like to operate in a highly charged political environment, in which the players on all sides of an issue feel passionately and speak forcefully.

In such an environment people sometimes lose their cool, and yet in Washington you can ordinarily rely on some basic measure of truthfulness and good faith in the conduct of political debate. But in the last several weeks we have seen a wild departure from that tradition.

LBJ's global illusions by JOHN SEILER

Lyndon Johnson - immense, overbearing, brilliant, twisted - remains one of our more interesting presidents. Recent declassifications of his phone conversations have led historians to reassess his legacy.


Daryl Bradford Smith interviews John Kaminski

Kaminski comes out hard in support of Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf

Reviews of The Slaughter of Cities by E. Michael Jones, Ph.D.

"Jones has described in microcosm some of the policies that led our once-proud centers of American industy to become the dead zones of the Rust Belt. ... Jones has given us a cautionary tale of government attempts to force disparate groups of people to interact and embrace one anohter in our big cities, which breaks down into suspicion and flight." Thomas J. Herron, The Barnes Review.

Pardes by Israel Shamir - Reviewed by Tom White

Without Shamir and the great cohort of Jews and non-Jews (in which group I include the editor/publisher of this magazine) battling so steadfastly against the overwhelming spirit of Mammon that rules this age in these ruins of Christendom where we dwell, I should feel discouraged indeed. But I do not feel discouraged. There is clarity emerging at last. I do think the Mammonites (Shamir’s term for all—Jews and gentiles—who advance the “Judaic tendency”) will fail ultimately despite the present seeming.


President Delivers Remarks at Elmendorf AFB on War on Terror

Hangar One Elmendorf Air Force Base Anchorage, Alaska


Solzhenitsyn on the Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Terror

A couple of years ago he wrote a book called Together for Two Hundred Years about the Jewish experience in Russia. It included mention of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik terror. Although he was quite soft-spoken in his book, in many ways he does lay wide-open the still suppressed story of the prominent Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and especially the Jewish role in the genocide of Christians, intelligentsia, and other potential enemies of the Soviet. Solzhenitsyn says very emphatically that even with all their complaints of social suppression by the Soviet apparatus in the 50s and 60s, they hide their prominent role in the horrors and genocides of the earlier decades. The Guardian article reports:


John Ralston-Saul: Author, 'Collapse of Globalism'

A special studio guest, the author of a book called Collapse of Globalism, John Ralston-Saul is with us. John, is this your first visit to South Africa?


The Collapse of Globalism

The more extravagant promises of globalization theory have come to naught. Where do we go from here?

John Ralston Saul Interviewed By Julian Brookes


Zionist power stems from West's belief in "Holocaust" myth: Faurisson

Following the designation of a day as “Holocaust Day” by the United Nations, the Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with French professor Robert Faurisson on November 2 about the motivations behind this move. In the interview, the professor says that Zionists will not tolerate any questioning of the “Holocaust” and argues that the more the Western public believes in the “Holocaust” the more Muslims will be killed.


"Correcting the Politically Correct" by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (Podcast, 28 min.)

A speech by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Ph.D. on October 29, 2005 at the National Council Dinner of The John Birch Society, Orlando, Florida. (To listen to the speech, click on the preceding sentence, then on the "Review of the News Podcast" page, click on "Correcting the Politically Correct" under "Archives.") A humorous, inspiring behind-the-scenes report on Dr. Woods’ interesting personal experiences as a newly-acclaimed, best-selling author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.


Filmmaker Interview: 'The Line in the Sand'

A new documentary examines the border problem from a White perspective.


Will You Support or Kill a Filibuster of Judge Alito? by Amanda B. Carpenter

HUMAN EVENTS assistant editor Amanda Carpenter found other Republican senators to see if they would join DeWine in blocking a filibuster on Judge Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Senate Democrats were also sought to find if they foresaw any reasons to filibuster Judge Alito.

The Real George W. Bush by Ryan Setliff

The Bush Betrayal is a methodical investigation and report on the abuses, machinations, and recklessness that characterizes the Bush administration. Bush in my humble opinion is one of the most activist, interventionist and abusive Republican Presidents since Abraham Lincoln. To say that Bush believes in fiscal conservatism, limited government and constitutional liberties is to speak only in the most Orwellian and self-deceiving terms.

Self-Reliance: Selections from Garet Garrett Edited by Bruce Ramsey

To Garet Garrett, the paleolibertarian who wrote for the Saturday Evening Post from 1922 to 1942, self-reliance was the value that marked an American. Self-reliance was what made liberty possible – and what made it worth having. It is a theme that runs through the latest collection of his work, Insatiable Government (2005), as well as three other Garrett collections in print: Salvos Against the New Deal (2002), Defend America First (2003) and Ex America: The 50th Anniversary of The People’s Pottage (2004).


Forced Inoculations Beginning of Bush's Bird Flu Plan by John Hanchette

[Bush's Plan] would force Americans to receive inoculations against a disease that has yet to kill one of them, while removing their constitutional right to seek redress in our courts in case of injury or death from the shots because of company negligence. The proposal, now moving its way through the Senate, would also ban citizens from using the Freedom of Information Act and other popular informational laws to discover whether the new vaccine (when it is finally produced) was effective and safe, and even whether anyone had suffered adverse reactions to it.


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