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Here is the conversation word for word with Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC program Scarborough Country

Here is the conversation word for word with Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC program Scarborough Country. I was on satellite hookup in New Orleans and he had the possibility to completely cut me off at will, which he did repeatedly. In contrast, he treated Jewish extremist, Alan Dershowitz with the utmost respect and gave him all the time he wanted. After interviewing me, he repeatedly bemoaned the fact that there should be a debate on the issues, but no one would debate because we knew that we were wrong about our beliefs that the Israel Lobby was a key factor in the Iraq War. He said all this all this while I was still sitting before a camera, miked and ready to debate both Scarborough and Dershowitz. As typically true in the Jewish-dominated media, the program turned to an extremist Jewish partisan to give the final word and tell the American people what all the controversy was about. They left it to a Jewish supremacist to interpret the events for the Boobus Americanus. Dershowitz is by the way a “human rights lawyer” who has come out advocating torture in the United States of America. (And I am called an “extremist!” ) I will also include my comments to the conversation in brackets and bold faced.


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