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Why Conservatives Should Oppose the Iraq War by Reps. Ron Paul and John Duncan

In this video, Congressmen Ron Paul (R-Texas) and John Duncan (R-Tenn.) discuss why true conservatives should oppose the undeclared and unnecessary war in Iraq. Speeches delivered on the House floor June 14, 2005. Windows Media Player required. Click here to watch.


The first and only real argument against the 'war' in Iraq should be that of Constitutional Authority. Period. If congress had not abrogated its sworn duty on this matter, GW Bush would not, could not conduct this insane action. There was simply no 'American' reason for going in. Yes, we all know that Saddam was a bad, bad guy. Anybody wanna' count how many other despots there are on this planet? Dozens, and Saddam was'nt even close to the top of the list and we in fact helped to support him when it suited American government official purposes. These two fine men mean well and I hope that in some way the three seperate branches, judicial, congresional and executive will get back to the way the founders meant for them to be. Wow, I need to wake up from that dream.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 PM  

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