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Former CIA worker analyses bin Laden threat

MICHAEL SCHEUER: Yeah, if bin Laden was a Christian, it was the Christmas present he always wanted but never expected from his parents. It basically validated all of the things he had said about America over the past decade. The Americans, he said, want our oil. The Americans will destroy any Arab government that is a threat to Israel. The Americans want to destroy Islam and occupy our sanctities and of course Iraq is the second holiest place in Islam. And besides validating what he had said, the invasion of Iraq in the Islamic world is viewed as an invasion by the infidels of Islamic territory.


Yeah, but you're missing the part about bin Laden being part of the CIA team, mister "ex" cia man.

Training, arms, assistance, recruiting mujahadeen fighters to illegally train in the US (snuck in through the Jedda Saudi Arabia consulate). Then there's the July 2001 surgery at the American military hospital in Dubai, UAE. There's the meeting with CIA station chief "Larry Mitchell", two months before 9-11. And there's the plain fact that no one's trying real hard to catch the guy (who may have died in Dec. 2001 of kidney failure, according to a Taliban public notice).

So, when "ex" cia people start pontificating about the utterly bogus fraud that is the "war on terror" I'm not all that impressed with their "criticisms" that leave the basic fundamentals of the game (external enemy hell bent on destroying us) intact.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:53 PM  

It is amazing, almost as if GW Bush and the neo-cons were working for Bin Laden. The reaction and inept way in which this 'war' is being conducted would be laughable if not for the fact of good Americans dying every day and Billions of dollars being spent every week on this charade. No, it is as was planned and they are not as guilty as we as american citizens and taxpayers are. We put them in charge, accept their jingostic mantra of 'support the troops!'. Meanwhile they pay us back by selling our counntry economic infrastruture to the highest,(no, actually the lowest) bidders! What jobs are left, we have to compete with slave labor from the south and asia for. We are our own worst enemy. As our Nation burns, we sit around watching the swill shoveled to us as entertainment and pap as sports like the mind numded robots of Orwells '1984'. If there every was a piece of prophecy written, that was. Stopping at this point I leave with this sad nightmarish thought- As bad as it is now, can you even dare imagine how bad it will be for the kids 15 to 20 years from now?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:36 PM  

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