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It's All God's Fault by Doug Thompson

George W. Bush swears he hears God talking to him in his head, which violates the accepted theory that sound cannot carry in a vacuum.


After Globalization by John Ralston Saul

Now, in The Collapse of Globalism and the Reinvention of the World, from which this piece is excerpted, Saul cuts against the grain again, this time taking on cheerleaders for globalization. Belief in globalization's ability to deliver wealth and progress without huge costs is waning, he argues. What comes next?]

Video Interview: Former IRS Agent Joe Banister

On Thursday June 23, a federal jury found former IRS Criminal Investigative Division (CID) Special Agent and CPA Joseph Banister not guilty of all counts alleging criminal tax fraud and conspiracy related to actions he took on behalf of a California business owner who had openly defied the IRS over several years by stopping withholding of all income and employment taxes from the paychecks of his workers.

Interview - Exclusive! Former Judge Roy Moore on 'Supreme' Decisions

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," June 27, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.


Scott Ritter on War with Iran

On June 23, 2005, Scott Ritter spoke to 110 people at a fundraiser for Traprock Peace Center at the Woolman Hill Meeting House. Before the presentation, Ritter met with 30 people over dinner at Woolman Hill. Hear his presentation and the question and answers, complete and unabridged. Sunny Miller moderated the event, introducing Ritter and reading questions from the audience.

Phantom Menace by William Pfaff

As one of his associates said, “we make reality.” This was in response to a question about realism. The remark unknowingly echoed one of Hannah Arendt’s acute observations about totalitarianism. One of the most significant aspects of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century was that they “made reality” out of fictions. They were based on ideological fantasies that were false, but these fantasies were made into the reality upon which national policy was based. They thus came catastrophically true—until their inner falsehood brought disaster.




You Cannot Tread Upon Our Rights - Richard Barrett

This is the broadcast on Talk of the Nation over National Public Radio on June 21, 2005. Richard Barrett was interviewed live by Neil Cronin on the day that an affirmative-action jury delivered a "guilty" verdict in the case of Sixties' anti-Communist, Edgar Ray Killen, in the deaths of three Communists, who had invaded Mississippi in 1964, bent upon overthrowing the government and setting up a "black-power" state.

Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.? by Kevin Zeese

An Interview with (ret.) Colonel Sam Gardiner describes "what propaganda literature would refer to as the big lie."

God Bless Our Troops? by Laurence M. Vance

Why do conservative Christians have such a love affair with the U.S. military? Andrew Bacevich, in his fascinating new work, The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (Oxford, 2005), has a whole chapter on the subject. This is a book that all conservative Christian apologists for the military ought to read. Yet, most of them will never read it even though the author is a conservative, religious, a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, and a former professional soldier. And sadly, many of them will never even know the book existed, including the very people who claim to be so well-read. How many Christian critics of my book, Christianity and War and Other Essays Against the Warfare State, have ever bothered to read any of the books listed at the end under "For Further Reading"? Some pastors who claim to be bookworms that are so well-read are in actuality way behind the times.


"Revolution is as Old as Humanity": an Interview with Bobby Seale' by Jake McGee

Below is an interview with the legendary Bobby Seale, where he talks about many of the things found in his first book, Seize the Time, which was written while he was in jail for several bogus charges. It’s a recount of how the Black Panther Party was formed, but, more than that, it’s the raw tale of how a person grew disgusted with the way he and his community were being subjugated, and what he did to make things better. This book is considered by many to be one of the most important books of the era.


The Philosophy of Liberty

Animated introduction to libertarian theory. Yes, it can be oversimplified and corny in parts, but still an excellent passive learning tool for the uninitiated.

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.


The Annexation of Canada and Mexico

RECALLING that the Heads of State and Government of the Americas, gathered at the Third Summit of the Americas, held from April 20 to 22, 2001 in Quebec City, adopted a democracy clause which establishes that any unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order in a state of the Hemisphere constitutes an insurmountable obstacle to the participation of that state's government in the Summits of the Americas process.


The Iraq Factor: Secret Memo to Tony Blair - Condi committed to regime change in early 2002

The following Memo addressed to Prime Minister Tony Blair is purported to have been written by Blair's foreign policy advisor David Manning. It was written in anticipation of PM Blair's Visit to the Texas Ranch.

It indicates that now-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was committed to "regime change" in early 2002. It also outlines some problems a postwar Iraq might face. The document is presented as transcribed by the "Raw Story"


Bombshell As Six More British Documents Leaked

Six new secret British documents have been leaked and are provided below. These were retyped from the originals to protect the source, has verified the authenticity .


An interview with Justin Raimondo by Scott Horton

What are the color-coded revolutions about? Who's behind them and and why? What does the future hold for the American Empire?


Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State: Weapon Of Mass Enlightenment by Paul Joseph Watson

Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State is documentary film maker Alex Jones' latest release and is considered by many to be his best work to date.


Firing Line Immigration Debate Special, Ten Years Later - Peter Brimelow

Ten years is nothing in the life of a nation. The fact that the mid-1990s debate was subsequently blocked by ethnic hysterics, business lobbyists and assorted traitors in the Republican ranks will ultimately seem nothing but a blip. The struggle for immigration reform is a multi-decade process—that’s what it took to bring the First Great Wave to a halt in the 1920s.


How 'amiable dunce' Reagan saved the world by David Kupelian

I'm having a hard time finding the words to convey just how magnificent a film "In the Face of Evil" really is.

There's a spiritual quality to this new movie documentary – which chronicles Ronald Reagan's 40-year struggle and ultimate triumph against communism – that defies description.


When in Course of by Paul Gottfried

Having stated why I find Human Event’s decision to compile such a list defensible and even commendable, allow me to explain why I strongly disagree with most of the picks for the top-ten "most harmful books." Only two of my least favorite authors, John Dewey and Betty Friedan, made the negative hit parade, although two others, Theodor Adorno and Margaret Meade, did appear as "honorable mentions," having garnered fewer votes than those above them on the list. Although I failed to think of either, both Herbert Croly and Alfred Kinsey deserve to be listed – and Kinsey’s fraudulent sexology has surely a justified claim to its number 4 ranking.


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