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Michael Peroutka: Could This Man Be Bush's Nader and the Margin of Defeat for the Republicans? by Gene Edward Veith

Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor Gene Edward Veith notes in Marvin Olasky's Neo-Con World Magazine that Michael Peroutka and the Constitution Party may represent the nail in the coffin for George W. Bush in the first Tuesday in November. Pastor Veith becomes the latest to see Peroutka as an even bigger threat to Bush than Nader is to Kerry. But Veith fails to note all of the valid reasons for the Real Right's desertion of the President: His disastrous preemptive war in Iraq; signing off on amnesty for another 12 million illegal aliens; handing Americans a $550 billion dollar federal budget deficit and zillion dollar manufacturing foreign trade deficits; supporting the outsourcing of jobs and the New World Order trade agreements known as NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and PMFN for Communist China; sponsoring the greatest increases in federal spending in 30 years, including increases for the Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts; cozying up to the homosexual Log Cabin Republican lobby; supporting federal funding for stem-cell research and Planned Parenthood; and destroying the 1st and 4th Amendments of the Constitution with the Bush-Ashcroft USA Patriot Act. And if Bush is re-elected, all of the available evidence suggests that a return to involuntary military conscription (The Draft!) will be necessary to support the President's military adventurism abroad fueled by the Neo-Cons and the Israeli lobby. Do Veith, Olasky, and their friends in the Christian Right--Neo Con alliance get it? World's admission that Peroutka is out there suggests that they do---and are starting to sweat.


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