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Throw the Bums Out by Gail Jarvis

"The Constitution Party evolved from a revolt against the liberal shift in the Republican Party. It was originally called the U.S. Taxpayers Party. The name gradually evolved into the Constitution Party as members of other third parties joined it. The media will try to make an issue out of the Constitution Party’s strong Christian values. Its platform preamble states: "that the foundation of our political position and moving principle of our political activity is our full submission and unshakable faith in our Savior and Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ." Although this statement would have been acceptable to the Founding Fathers, media pundits will claim that it excludes other religions and therefore is detrimental to multiculturalism. Certainly, Constitution Party leaders should make it clear that citizens of all faiths as well as non-believers are welcome as members.

"If we could persuade the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party to negotiate their differences and merge into one party, we would have a force to be reckoned with. But we can’t really expect that to happen, because although they share many similar views, the positions they differ on do not appear negotiable, i.e., free trade and immigration. So we must choose one or the other, slap its bumper sticker on our car and make our support known to the community."


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