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Since 911, Federal Spending Under Bush Increases at Fastest Rate in 30 Years by The Independent (UK)

Since 9/11, Federal Spending Under Bush Increases at Fastest Rate in 30 Years

Since 2001, even with record low inflation, U.S. federal spending has increased by a massive 28.8% (19.7% in real dollars)­with non-defense discretionary growth of 35.7% (25.3% in real dollars)­the highest rate of federal government growth since the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. This increase has resulted in the largest budget deficits in U.S. history, over $520 billion in fiscal year 2004 alone. Furthermore, the projected spending for 2005 is a conservative estimate, since it doesn’t include at least $50 billion for the ongoing cost of the Iraq occupation.


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