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Free American Editor Clayton Douglas Seriously Injured in Motorcycle Crash

Dear Friends and Family,

My Father, Clay Douglas was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident that took place Thursday May 20 in Phoenix, Arizona. He has a very severe head injury, broken clavicle, broken ribs, and a lot of road rash. He is at Maricopa Co. Medical Center, in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, where he is being kept heavily sedated. He is not able to respond to anything, because of the sedation, which is preventing him from further injury to his brain. He remains Critical, yet stable. We have no medical insurance for Clay, and have absolutely no idea of how long he will be in there for. Right now we are asking for everyone’s prayers and positive thoughts on my father’s behalf. Any donations would be greatly needed and appreciated, and can be sent to the below addresses. Please help spread the word by passing this letter along to anyone that knows of Clay, which is a lot of people. The June issues of The Free American and Thunder Riders are coming out on schedule, but where not sure if we’re going to be able to afford to distribute them without everyone’s support. Please feel free to contact the family at the below contact information. I will be checking my father e-mail as much as possible, but please limit any new mail to questions or comments about Clay’s condition. Thank you and God Bless.


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