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To Ron Paul Fans: Join the Michael Peroutka for President Team! The Future is Now!

April 5, 2004

Ron Paul for President, 2004

Dear friends:

It has been a year since my letter to our great and good friend, Ron Paul (R-TX), urging him to commit himself to a run for the Presidency in 2004 (see Since that time, it has become apparent that Dr. Paul has chosen not to initiate his candidacy in this election cycle, for reasons both acknowledged and respected.

The situation in our nation is even worse than it was a year ago. The un-Constitutional and preemptive war in Iraq has now turned into a disastrous occupation policy and no-win guerrilla war costing 600+ American dead, 20,000+ Iraqi casualties, and $200 billion dollars in taxpayers' expenditures with no end in sight. Under the direction of the crowd at Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and the American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Mr. Bush's neo-conservative advisors call for an acceleration in violence in Iraq, a possible expansion of this war into Syria and Iran, and further American military commitments in Central Asia at the behest of international oil and natural gas consortiums. The Old Republic is being replaced by a vision of American Empire which translates into more foreign intervention and war, more deaths, an enveloping fiscal nightmare, and the destruction of American civil liberties at home.

Federal expenditures stand at almost 2 1/2 trillion dollars a year, with $550 billion dollar deficits and soaring multi-billion dollar foreign trade deficits. George W. Bush has signed on to a USA Patriot Act which threatens the Bill of Rights guarantees made to every American citizen. He has recently provided amnesty to another 12 million illegal aliens while continuing to support every component of the structure of World Government and the New World Order, including NAFTA, GATT, the World Trade Organization, the Free-Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA), the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, and the Import-Export Bank. Federal subsidies to the National Endowment for the Arts, Planned Parenthood, and the Federal Department of Education have not only continued--they have increased.

The bad news for all of us is that Ron Paul will not be George W. Bush's nemesis in Presidential politics this year. The good news is that we now have a viable alternative in the candidacy of my good friend, Michael Peroutka of the Constitution Party. Mr. Peroutka is a principled and articulate messenger for every American who holds the Constitution dear, and who opposes every aspect of the Bush-Kerry New World Order. He will be on the ballot in 42+ states this fall, including many of the states identified recently by Donald Lambro of the Washington Times as the key battleground states in November, 2004, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Missouri. His candidacy has already attracted the attention of Pat Buchanan's The American Conservative, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the Washington Times, the Free American, and Al Jazeera. The man--and his message--are real. Honest patriots, conservatives, libertarians, and plain folk simply fed up with the lies of the Republicrats and the Corporate Establishment supporting them, now have a choice in Michael Peroutka for the Presidency of the United States.

How can Mr. Peroutka's candidacy be helped by those of us who originally implored Dr. Paul to challenge George Bush? The Peroutka 2004 web site at will provide opportunities to donate money on-line, obtain bumper stickers and yard signs, and distribute position papers and press releases nationwide via the Internet. Please give it your careful attention, while passing this site along to your contacts on the World Wide Web as soon as possible.

We can be players in American Presidential politics again--this year--with your help. And what we accomplish this year will build the foundation for ballot access, candidate recruitment, and international media attention in future battles with the Republicrats and the advocates of a New World Order.

Michael Peroutka needs your help--and your involvement--now more than ever. The future for America, and its return to Constitutional governance, is now.

Please join us.


Mark Dankof
Mark Dankof's America


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