Dead But Not Gone by William S. Lind
It sometimes happens that the worst characteristic of an otherwise valuable book is its title. Such is the case with Paul Gottfried’s latest work, The Strange Death of Marxism. Instead of Marxism’s obituary, what Gottfried has actually written is the story of its transmutation into—well, into exactly what remains in dispute. Whatever it might best be called, it is clearly the basis for the political correctness and multiculturalism that have become the state ideology in most of Europe and the United States.
Clown Prince of Nuclear War by James P. Pinkerton
So, sadly, Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi’s book, which offers significant insight into Kahn, is more than just a chronicle of the past. It is an account, too, of the present, in which many of Kahn’s self-anointed successors are still riding high. And it might also be a guide to an increasingly dangerous future, in which Kahn’s memory is trampled under the thudding hooves of Four Apocalyptic Horsemen
Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary - Review by Victor Thorn
When one considers the esteemed (albeit limited) field of living legends among us in the alternative media (including Eustace Mullins, Jim Marrs, and Des Griffin), Jim Tucker of the American Free Press would surely be included near the top of that list. Not only has Tucker epitomized for the last half-century what quality journalism should be, he has also exposed – far more than any other human being – the shadowy Bilderberg group; and for this accomplishment he should be recognized as one of those rare individuals who has saved humanity from being further enslaved by this evil cabal.
An Almost Unimaginable Life - An Interview With Cindy Sheehan by Tom Engelhardt
You've said that the failed bookends of George Bush's presidency are Iraq and Katrina. And here we are with parts of New Orleans flooded again. Where exactly do you see us today?
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
Interview with Matthew R. Simmons, President Simmons & Company International
St. Patrick's Four Closing Arguments by Peter De Mott, Danny Burns, Clare & Teresa Grady
On St. Patrick’s Day 2003, two days before the US military invasion of Iraq began, four peace activists, all parents and members of the Ithaca Catholic Worker movement, in an act of non-violent civil disobedience, entered their local military recruiting station, knelt, said a prayer for peace and then carefully poured a small amount of their blood on recruiting center posters, walls and flag to symbolize the violence of war and the sanctity of life. This past week (Sept 19-23) Peter DeMott, Danny Burns, Clare and Teresa Grady (sisters) have been on trial in Federal Court in Binghamton NY, facing charges of "conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States by threat, intimidation and force" and other lesser charges for their actions. They face up to 6 years in federal prison and $250,000 fines each if convicted. A previous trial in State court on charges of criminal mischief and trespassing resulted in a hung jury, with nine of twelve jurors favoring acquittal. This case is the first Federal conspiracy trial of anti-war protesters since the Vietnam War, and represents a chilling effort by the Administration to repress non-violent civil dissent in this country. The jury began deliberations on Friday Sept 23; a verdict is expected sometime this week.
Jerry Woodruff reviews Andrew J. Bacevich''s The New American Militarism
Mention militarism, and names that come to mind probably include men on horseback such as Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte, not such desk-bound keyboard jockeys as Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol. Yet these and other neoconservative writers have helped foster an intellectual climate conducive to the emergence of what Andrew J. Bacevich calls “a peculiarly American variant of militarism” in the post-Cold War era. Bacevich’s new book features no villains or conspiracies, however—only a fortuitous convergence of social, political, geographic, and economic forces that has produced “the new militarism.” The neoconservative intellectual network is presented as merely a single contingent that, in combination with the military establishment’s “never again” reaction to America’s ignominious rout in Vietnam, created a post-Cold War faith in all things military, leading not just to the invasion of Iraq but to a sprawling projection of American power across the globe.
Confessions Of A Hit Man by Charley Reese
John Perkins' book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" explains American foreign policy better than any of the academic tomes you might read on the subject.
We were a great and much-loved country when we were a republic. Since we've become an empire, we're hardly loved at all and, in fact, are hated by many people in the world. Unless we find a way to return to our republican roots, we will go the way of all empires — simultaneously accumulating enemies and bankrupting ourselves in an eventually futile attempt to defeat them.
We were a great and much-loved country when we were a republic. Since we've become an empire, we're hardly loved at all and, in fact, are hated by many people in the world. Unless we find a way to return to our republican roots, we will go the way of all empires — simultaneously accumulating enemies and bankrupting ourselves in an eventually futile attempt to defeat them.
An Evening With Mr. Galloway by Butler Shaffer
The theme that ran through his presentation was the presence of the “double standard” by which Western and Middle Eastern interests are measured. The attacks of 9/11 emerged “not out of a clear blue sky,” but from a “deep swamp of anger and hatred” generated by decades of American, British, and Israeli atrocities committed against Arab and Muslim people. He emphasized that the core of the “terrorist” problem can be traced not to religious differences, but to over fifty years of “injustices imposed upon the Palestinian people” by American and Israeli politics.
Bill O'Reilly vs. Phil Donahue
Transcript from the O'Reilly Factor, FoxNews
Simon Wiesthenthal: Fraudulent 'Nazi Hunter' by Mark Weber
In light of his well-documented record of deceit, lies and incompetence, the extravagant praise heaped upon this contemptible man is a sorry reflection of the venal corruptibility and unprincipled self-deception of our age.
Phil Donahue vs Bill O'Reilly
Falafel Bill's head explodes!
Phil goes on the offensive immediately telling Billy that he's leading the pack to marginalize Cindy Sheehan.
Phil goes on the offensive immediately telling Billy that he's leading the pack to marginalize Cindy Sheehan.
Catherine Crier's New Book Distorts Battle Over Judicial Activism - Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
In reading excerpts from Chapter One of her book, I was stunned by her paranoid view of Conservative Christians and her obvious contempt for people of faith who are genuinely concerned about federal judges who legislate from the bench.
Declare war on 'radical Islam'? by Patrick J. Buchanan
One need not read too far in his book to know Blankley not only endorses the Patriot Acts I and II, he believes a Patriot Act III is overdue. After declaring war, we should secure the borders, create a biometric national ID card for all citizens, use ethnic profiling to determine who needs extra patting down at the departure gate and deport immediately non-citizens who agitate for violence against our government or society.
If government does not act, he warns, vigilantes will, but that will not save Western Civilization. An unabashed Atlanticist, he concludes on a Churchillian note:
If government does not act, he warns, vigilantes will, but that will not save Western Civilization. An unabashed Atlanticist, he concludes on a Churchillian note:
Third Planet Video Cindy Sheehan Speaks NYC
Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Camp Casey NYC - Police pull plug as she finishes speaking Zool arrested.
O'Reilly wished that hurricane had flooded U.N. building, added that he 'wouldn't have rescued them"
Comment: We're vocal opponents of the UN and their genocidal policies but if we ever called for killing UN officials, which is a horrible notion, we'd be shut down within hours. O'Reilly can do it on national TV and it's an afterthought. Recall that O'Reilly lauded the forced evacuation and gun confiscation of New Orleans residents now being hailed as heroes.
"The United States is the champion of double standards. The United States' government defends terrorism. They talk of the fight against the terrorism, but they commit terrorism, state terrorism."
America's Glorious Cause by Roger D. McGrath
David McCullough has written another book that will be bought and read by hundreds of thousands of Americans, perhaps millions. Professional historians, their degrees framed on the walls of their offices and their salaries funded by hard-working taxpayers, will eat their hearts out once again. Their books will not sell or be read except as a requirement for their own graduate seminars. The reason is obvious. Professors in academe today generally discount good, old-fashioned narrative history for Marxist theory, psychoanalytical biography, social history, quantifying studies, or postmodern deconstructionism.
The Collapse Of Globalism, by John Ralston Saul
A decade ago, there was an assumption that globalisation on its own could lift people out of poverty. That braying enthusiasm has given way to no more than a squeak. Saul is right to guard against the credulity of the globalisation gurus, who tend to believe that two countries whose economies are heavily intertwined will never go to war.
Police forcibly tackling elderly, confiscating firearms and dragging them out of their homes
So-called conservative O'Reilly lauds it as cops force their way into homes and aprehend dangerous insurgent old women.
The Outer Limits of Empire - Tom Engelhardt interviews Howard Zinn
You and Anthony Arnove just came out with a new book, Voices of a People's History of the United States, featuring American voices of resistance from our earliest moments to late last night. Now, we have a striking new voice of resistance, Cindy Sheehan. I was wondering what you made of her?
Empire of Debt by Doug French
The story of when America turned its back on what had made it a rich nation, and why, is told by two of the world’s best financial writers, Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin, in their new book, Empire of Debt.
Paul Craig Roberts on Hurricane Katrina
Roberts discusses the abject failure of the federal government in anticipating and responding to Hurricane Katrina and the consequences that should follow.
We Have Been Abandoned By Our Own Country
You have to watch this video to understand, how little regard our government has for the welfare of its own citizens.
Review: Michael Collins Piper's The New Jerusalem by Victor Thorn
Needless to say, Piper’s The New Jerusalem is an invaluable resource for any person who wants to clearly see how this country (and the world-at-large) is being manipulated by a hidden (and not-so-hidden) Zionist power.
Full text of White Paper on Arms Control
China on Thursday, September 1, 2005, issued a white paper entitled China's Endeavors for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation to fully elaborate on the Chinese government's policies and positions on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.