No voice for Joe or José
Free trade would benefit the vast majority of people by raising their standard of living. But government officials, owned and operated by special interests, see to it that we get "fair trade" or a "level playing field" instead. A key element of the mercantilism Adam Smith urged countries to abolish, protectionism is one of the many ways government makes us worse off.
What happens when free trade is adopted? As Carlos A. Ball writes, Pinochet's much vilified socialist government in Chile has lowered tariffs and repealed import quotas, giving their countrymen the highest standard of living in Latin America. If "capitalism" imposes trade restrictions, is it any wonder "the Third World prefers socialism?"
What happens when free trade is adopted? As Carlos A. Ball writes, Pinochet's much vilified socialist government in Chile has lowered tariffs and repealed import quotas, giving their countrymen the highest standard of living in Latin America. If "capitalism" imposes trade restrictions, is it any wonder "the Third World prefers socialism?"
Anti-Americanism: An Introduction by Jean Francois Revel
The principal function of anti-Americanism has always been, and still is, to discredit liberalism by discrediting its supreme incarnation.
The Hispanic Challenge by Samuel P. Huntington
The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture.
Nation-Building 101
"The chief threats to us and to world order come from weak, collapsed, or failed states. Learning how to fix such states - and building necessary political support at home - will be a defining issue for America in the century ahead."
Is the U.S. to lead the world in nation-building? Read the rest of Francis Fukuyama's disturbing article HERE.
Is the U.S. to lead the world in nation-building? Read the rest of Francis Fukuyama's disturbing article HERE.
Immanuel Kant: Democratic Warmonger? by Joseph R. Stromberg
The utopian goal, then, is the extension of democracy everywhere in the world, at which point there will never again be war, since democracies don’t, etc.
The Economic Rape of America
The Bricker Amendment, Part 2: JUST A MATTER OF TIME by Albert Burns
We have two choices: education of enough people or the Bricker Amendment! I
The Bricker Amendment, Part 1 by Albert Burns
It should be clear that the United States cannot endure, as a free and independent nation, unless this "loophole" in the Constitution can be closed.
The Anti-Defamation League and Leftism
Welcome to Humboldt County. Papers, Please.
The Lost American Spirit
We are propagandized to believe the U.S. government fights for freedom. Try telling that to Cubans who try to "motor" over to Florida.
Revealing a secret Defense Intelligence Agency report, WASHINGTON TIMES reporter Rowan Scarborough is planning to itemize the nuke arsenal held by Israel, Pakistan, India and others.
Mass Immigration and Education: An Excerpt From John Tanton’s Latest Project by Peter Brimelow
The legendary John Tanton, founder of FAIR and driving force behind the Social Contract Magazine, has shanghaied a number of immigration reform stalwarts into contributing chapters to a new fact-packed book, Common Sense On Mass Immigration, conveniently timed for this year’s election.
Crude Awakening
A prominent physicist warns in a new book that the world is running out of oil and we’re not doing anything to stave off the coming crisis.
US Far Safer Now
The FBI's honcho, Mueller, says the US is far safer now since 9-11 because Bush has eliminated the al-Qaida sanctuary in Afghanistan and arrested at least two-thirds of their leaders worldwide.
Meanwhile, another intelligence official named Hutchings claims Al-Qaida has deployed operatives to hijack planes and fly them into tall buildings, and also wants to derail trains, possibly carrying hazardous material.
Apparently, the FBI doesn't count blowback in assessing our safety.
Meanwhile, another intelligence official named Hutchings claims Al-Qaida has deployed operatives to hijack planes and fly them into tall buildings, and also wants to derail trains, possibly carrying hazardous material.
Apparently, the FBI doesn't count blowback in assessing our safety.
"The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America" by SEN. JOHN KERRY
We offer this unfettered pledge of fealty to Israel by John Kerry as yet more evidence that there's scarcely a dime's worth of difference between the major political candidates of both parties on the life-and-death issues of our time.
The end of the world by Jane Lampman
The theology behind end-time prophecy - premillennial dispensationalism (from the idea that God has divided history into ages, or dispensations) - emerged in 19th-century England. It was brought to America by missionary John Nelson Darby and spread at evangelistic conferences.
Hair-Trigger Planet
When the U.S.S.R. collapsed, American public interest in nuclear weapons disappeared under the rubble. People boxed up their fears and hauled them down to the basements of their souls like some hideous secret, never to be looked upon again. Thirteen years later, we’re still willful strangers to thermonuclear dread, carrying on as if the nuclear stockpiles amassed during the Cold War had all been converted into solar panels and parakeet swings under Boris Yeltsin’s kindly gaze...
The Neocon War on Peace and Freedom, Part I
James Bovard takes a critical look at Frum and Perle's The End of Evil: How to Win the War on Terror.
Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neo-cons, and Iraq
Shadia Drury, professor of political theory at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, argues that the use of deception and manipulation in current US policy flow directly from the doctrines of the political philosopher Leo Strauss (1899-1973).
Politicians killed in plane crashes
Fema The Secret Government
By Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul.
Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution.
Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution.
McNamara's Embarrassment
'Edward Bellamy's 1888 sci-fi novel "Looking Backward" envisioned a world of the future where cash is replaced by "credit cards" that allow humankind to purchase "whatever he desires, whenever he desires it."
'From the looks of things, Bellamy was remarkably farsighted. With one important exception: in Bellamy's socialist-style utopia, you never had to pay anyone back for your purchases.'
'From the looks of things, Bellamy was remarkably farsighted. With one important exception: in Bellamy's socialist-style utopia, you never had to pay anyone back for your purchases.'
Info on Carnival of the Capitalists
Look for it at a site near you...
Neocons face trouble at the top by Benjamin Duncan
"The bottom line is that the neocons were seemingly wrong about the implications of the war, how it would play in Iraq, how it would play in the Middle East, how it would play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Kupchan said.
No More "Great Presidents" by Robert Higgs
My idea of a great president is one who acts in accordance with his oath of office to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
U.S. Preparing for Military Draft in Spring 2005
The current agenda of the US federal government is to reinstate the draft in order to staff up for a protracted war on "terrorism." Pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills S 89 and HR 163) would time the program so the draft could begin at early as Spring 2005 -- conveniently just after the 2004 presidential election!
Bush Intelligence by Kurt Nimmo
Unfortunately, both Lochbaum and Riccio are clueless about the true nature of Bush and the Straussian neocons.
Neoconservative Conspiracies
A Wise Consistency by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
A wise consistency is the foundation of a free society. Yet everyone knows, or thinks they know, that consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
South Dakota seeks to prevent federal land-grabs
The state should take steps to prevent the federal government from grabbing ownership of more land in South Dakota, a legislative committee decided Wednesday...
Security, Terror, and the Psychodynamics of Empire by Stephen Soldz
"With a heavy dose of fear and violence, and a lot of money for projects, I think we can convince these people that we are here to help them."
Are Bubbles Efficient? by Robert Blumen
The Efficient Markets Hypothesis is the proposition that there are ultimately no profit opportunities in financial markets because the prices of securities already take into account all relevant information.
Starting a Brush Fire for Freedom
An interview with US Rep. Ron Paul by John W. Whitehead
Bush to seek nuclear fuel limits
President Bush is scheduled to announce Wednesday a new U.S. proposal to limit the number of nations permitted to produce nuclear fuel, senior administration officials said Tuesday...
Creativity tied to mental illness by William J. Cromie
Ignoring what seems irrelevant to your immediate needs may be good for your mental health but bad for creativity.
Practicing Nuclear War
About the middle of this month, Russia will stage the largest strategic nuclear maneuvers since 1982. These maneuvers will involve the test-firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles, both from land and sea; the test-firing of cruise missiles from strategic bombers; and even the launch of a military satellite.
An Experiment in Transparency
These documents are drawn from a collection of 19,000 files of Paul H. O'Neill, the U.S. Treasury Secretary for the first two years of the Presidency of George W. Bush.
Is America Just Like China? by Abe Arias
When I last browsed the U.S. Constitution in my law school textbooks, I didn't see any mention of a tyrannical form of government, a pervasive crackdown on houses of worship or the establishment of the government as an idol.
The Atlasphere - Ayn Rand Meta-Blog
C.S. Lewis and Materialism by John G. West, Jr.
"You say the materialist universe is ‘ugly,’" wrote C. S. Lewis to a young skeptic in 1950. "…If you are really a product of the materialistic universe, how is it you don’t feel at home there?"
Painkillers for Aborted Babies?
A bill is gathering support in the Virginia legislature that would require unborn children be administered a painkiller before abortions are performed...
Legislator's Bill Urges Two-Child Limit
It's not China's draconian one-child policy, but a lawmaker in Washington state is proposing legislation to urge parents to have no more than two children...
America is running such a huge deficit as it spends more than it takes in that
Government spending has risen dramatically and tax revenues have fallen. A 190 billion euro surplus has become a 417 billion euro debt. In the proposed budget the US military will get an extra 7% and spending on homeland security goes up by 10%.
The Criminalization of the State by Michel Chossudovsky
America’s leaders in Washington and Wall Street firmly believe in the righteousness of war and authoritarian forms of government as a means to "safeguarding democratic values".
FSC Statement Regarding the Need for an Extension - 911 Commission
Bankers: Their Gains, Our Risks by Gary North
Central banks are tools of the very rich to protect their capital. The central banks’ primary function is to protect large commercial banks. This reduces risk for the owners of those banks and their senior managers. But the cost of this risk reduction is transferred to the general public.
The Potemkin Commission by Justin Raimondo
In covering up the trail of lies that led to war, Bush takes his cues from Tony Blair and Lord Hutton
America's Empire of Bases by Chalmers Johnson
As distinct from other peoples, most Americans do not recognize -- or do not want to recognize -- that the United States dominates the world through its military power.
American Babylon
It Came from the Junk Drawer by Claire Wolfe
Winter roared down from Lonelyheart Pass like Hillary Clinton on a bad hair day. It buried the sagebrush in two feet of snow. It coated the barbed wire with an inch of ice. And coated the pickup trucks and watering troughs and the statue of the Drunken Cowboy and the backs of cows and the Dean for President sign in Dora's front yard.
Pandagon Conservative Feeds
Assortment of posts from blogs on conservative topics.
Ranking the Political Blogs by John Hawkins
It has been more than 6 months since the last time I ranked the political blogs and I thought it was high time to do it again.
Outside View: Zell Miller gets it by Martha Zoller
Anyone who knows Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., knows his recent best-selling book, "A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat," has been stirring the political pot.